SSD Hosting UK- Grid hosting

SSD Hosting UK Reasons Why to Use SSD Hosting UK?


SSD Hosting UK-Reasons Why to Use SSD Hosting UK?

More and more people are looking for the best
SSD hosting UK in the market. Why is it so, and is SSD hosting worth this hype? The blog post you are reading intends to find the answer to this question. 

However, to understand SSD hosting, we must know what SSD itself is. We should also know what separates it from HDD. After understanding the fundamental differences between both, we will enlist the benefits of SSD

Since SSD hosting uses SSDs, you will get all those advantages if you opt for SSD hosting. Let’s clarify the abbreviations before. 

SSD-Solid State Drive 

HDD-Hard Disk Drive

The Emergence of SSD’s

For decades, computers were hard disk drives to store data permanently. They were the default storage options. The picture changed in 2009. Solid State Drives, abbreviated as SSDs, entered the market. 

With the emergence of SSD, computer owners found a new question to answer. Which technology should they use to store the files? As a result, the advantages of SSD have become a hot topic in IT circles. It became the debate of SSD Hosting or HDD hosting in recent years. 

Differences Between Mechanics of HDD and SSD Hosting 

Usually, we associate HDD with desktop computers.  

So yes, HDDs can store massive amounts of data, but there is a point where they lack in terms of durability. The one to blame are their fiddly mechanisms. Using these mechanisms add to their vulnerability and make them prone to many potential issues.  

By definition, an HDD is a mechanical device. Inside it, a disc spins to provide a basis for a data reading system. The more the spinning speed, the better the reading speed. Faster spin helps the system work speedily. 

That sounds pretty good. Then what is the problem with HDDs? Well, the same complex mechanical process is the problem. It adds to the vulnerability of the device. 

On the other hand, there are no movable objects inside SSDs. That sets you free from two primary concerns when using HDDs. First, there will be no irritating noise and no overheating problem. Today, SSDs are found in many laptops. 

The biggest and the most noticeable difference is the disk read speed. Let us have a detailed comparison. HDD can read the data at the rate of 125 Mbps. On the other side, for the standard SSD, it is no big deal to read data at the speed of 500 Mbps. The upgrade is prominent and visible. So a lot of people prioritize SSD over HDD

The prominence of the differences further increases when you use NVMe SSD. That is what works beneath the MacBook Pro. The credit for the blazing fast speed of the MacBook Pro goes to NVMe SSD. 

The data reading speed of an NVMe SSD is four times more than a standard SSD card. 

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SSD Hosting UK: What It Has To Do With Hosting?

More and more data centers are moving from HDD to SSD. The reasons are pretty obvious. We have already talked about enhanced reliability and more incredible speeds of SSDs. 

But the question arises, what if a company does not opt for SSD hosting and prefers to stick with HDD? Will it put the company at the risk of being left behind? 

So why should one use SSD hosting UK. Here we are going to explain some of the  motivating factors.  


We already know that data reading speed of SSDs is much more impressive than HDD. We also know how critical page loading speed is for any website. 

So SSD hosting UK ensures great loading speeds. The speed is almost four times more than that of HDD. So SSD hosting will load pages four times quickly. The speed further multiplies when you use NVMe SSDs. 

So use SSD hosting UK to win as much business as possible. If you use HDD, you will soon find your customers switching to an appropriate SSD host. Getting the best SSD Hosting UK, would help you enjoy the best loading speeds. 

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Hard disk drives are storing lots of critical data. Not only yours, but they also contain precious data of your customer. Hard Disk failure means losing all of it. Nothing could destroy your brand reputation more than that. SSD takes the lead again when it comes to durability. 

The expected life span of HDDs is not more than three to five years. Just like speed, the difference is again four times. The lifespan of SSDs is also four times longer than HDDs. However, using either of them till the last point would be the most unprofessional practice ever. You should use them way before the expected expiration time for better. However, SSDs for sure, will help you relax for a longer time. 


Efficient power generation also helps with cost cutting. Again, SSDs are better. They show much better performance in the arena of power generation than their counterparts. 

Even when HDDs are not working, they need power. Their power consumption is significantly higher than SSDs. So replacing HDD from SSD could help you cut down costs. HDD may require fifteen times more power input than SSD. Even during inactivity this ratio is seven times more. 

Since it relates to prices, SSD hosting UK is able to offer much good prices that clients feel drawn to. 


Going eco-friendly is everyone’s concern, today. Consumers know about the importance of the subject. Efficient power generation also leads to better eco-friendliness and again gives SSD competitive advantage over HDD

Today’s client is smart enough to prefer eco-friendly business over non-friendly one. It reduces the carbon footprint of web hosting companies.  

The Final Verdict

The impeccable speed, durability, and eco-friendly mechanisms make SSD hosting UK one of the greatest web hosting options.
Grid Hosting is one of the best SSD hosting providers that offer a powerful memory-drive solution that you can use with your preferred operating system.