Managed vs Unmanaged VPS Hosting: Which Is Right for You?


If you’re considering purchasing a managed or unmanaged VPS hosting package for your website, you might wonder which is ideal.

You may not be aware that more than 2500 companies offer VPS hosting or that websites hosted on a VPS load 15% to 35% more quickly than those hosted on shared plans.

If you’re not convinced a VPS is ideal for you, this Article will help you understand the fundamental differences between managed and unmanaged VPS hosting.

What is VPS Hosting (VPS)?

VPS (Virtual Private Server) hosting is a type of hosting service that allows individuals and organizations to have their own virtualized server environment. This means that a single physical server is divided into multiple virtual servers each of which functions as its own separate entity with its own operating system resources and data. VPS hosting is unique because it offers the benefits of a dedicated server, such as dedicated resources and full root access at a lower cost than a physical dedicated server. Additionally, VPS hosting allows for greater flexibility and scalability, as resources can be easily added or removed as needed.

What is Managed VPS Hosting?

Managed VPS (Virtual Private Server) hosting is a type of hosting service where the hosting provider manages and maintains the server for the customer. This includes tasks such as server updates, security monitoring, and technical support. The customer is still responsible for their own software and applications, but the hosting provider handles the underlying infrastructure. Managed VPS hosting is a good option for businesses or individuals who want the benefits of a dedicated server, but do not have the technical expertise or resources to manage it themselves.

Managed VPS Pros 

Using a managed VPS hosting provider has various benefits:

Technical expertise: The hosting provider will have a team of experienced technicians who can handle server maintenance and troubleshooting. This means that the customer does not need to have any technical expertise in order to use the service.

Increased security: With a managed VPS, the hosting provider will handle server updates and security monitoring, which can help prevent security breaches and protect the customer’s data.

Scalability: Managed VPS hosting allows customers to easily scale their resources up or down as needed, without having to worry about the technical details.

Cost-effective: Managed VPS hosting can be more cost-effective than a dedicated server because the customer only pays for the resources they need, and does not need to invest in expensive hardware or software.

Time-saving: You don’t have to spend time maintaining and configuring the server, which allows you to focus on your business or website.

Peace of mind: With a managed VPS, you can be reassured that your server is being maintained and monitored by professionals, reducing the risk of downtime or other issues.

Managed VPS Managed Cons

While there are many advantages to using a managed VPS hosting service, there are also some potential downsides to consider:

Limited control: With a managed VPS, the customer does not have full control over the server, as the hosting provider is responsible for managing and maintaining it. This can be an issue for customers who need a high degree of customization or control over their server.

Higher cost: While managed VPS hosting can be more cost-effective than a dedicated server, it can also be more expensive than other types of hosting, such as shared hosting.

Dependence on the provider: you are dependent on the provider’s team to handle any issues, which can cause delays if they are not available or are busy with other customers.

Limited choices: Some managed VPS providers may not provide as many options for customizing your server, such as different operating systems or software versions.

limited root access: Your access to the server may be limited, which can make it difficult to install or configure certain software or perform advanced troubleshooting.

Provider’s policies: You may have to comply with the provider’s policies and procedures, which may not align with your preferences or requirements.

What is Unmanaged VPS Hosting? 

Unmanaged VPS hosting is a type of hosting service where the customer is responsible for maintaining and administering the virtual private server, as opposed to managed VPS hosting where the hosting provider handles these tasks. This means that the customer is responsible for installing, configuring, and updating the operating system, software, and applications, as well as troubleshooting and resolving any issues that may arise. This type of hosting is often chosen by advanced users and developers who have the technical expertise to manage their own servers.

Unmanaged VPS hosting Pros 

The use of unmanaged VPS hosting has various benefits.

Flexibility: Unmanaged VPS hosting allows for complete control over the server, so users can customize it to their specific needs and requirements.

Cost savings: Since the customer is responsible for maintaining and administering the server, unmanaged VPS hosting can be less expensive than managed hosting.

Scalability: Unmanaged VPS hosting allows for easy scaling of resources, such as memory and storage, as the business grows.

Root access: Unmanaged VPS hosting provides users with root access to the server, which allows for greater control and flexibility.

More control over security: With an unmanaged VPS, the user has full control over the security of the server, including firewalls, intrusion detection and prevention systems, and more.

More control over performance: With an unmanaged VPS, you have more control over the performance of the server, including optimizing the server for specific applications and services.

Unmanaged VPS Hosting Cons 

There are several cons to using unmanaged VPS hosting:

Technical expertise required: Unmanaged VPS hosting requires the user to have technical expertise to properly maintain and administer the server.

Time-consuming: Maintaining and administering an unmanaged VPS can be time-consuming, as the user is responsible for all updates, configurations, and troubleshooting.

No support: With unmanaged VPS hosting, the customer is responsible for all aspects of the server, and therefore does not have access to technical support from the hosting provider.

Security risks: Without proper maintenance, an unmanaged VPS can be vulnerable to security threats such as hacking and malware.

Limited resources: Unmanaged VPS hosting can be limited by the resources provided by the hosting provider, such as storage and memory.

Higher costs for upgrades and additional resources. As the user is responsible for all aspects of the server, additional resources, software, and hardware upgrades will be incurred by the user.

When to Choose Managed VPS Hosting?

Managed VPS hosting should be chosen when a website or application requires more resources than a shared hosting plan can provide but the user does not want the cost and responsibility of a dedicated server. 

A managed VPS hosting plan provides more flexibility and control than shared hosting but with the added benefit of having the hosting provider manage and maintain the server for the user. 

This can include tasks such as software updates, security patches, and technical support. It is a good option for businesses, developers, and online entrepreneurs who want more resources and control over their websites or applications but do not want to manage the server themselves.

When to Choose Unmanaged VPS Hosting?

Unmanaged VPS hosting should be chosen when a user has the technical expertise and resources to manage and maintain their own server. This type of hosting is best suited for developers, system administrators, and other technical users who are comfortable with server management tasks such as software updates, security patches, and troubleshooting.

Unmanaged VPS hosting offers the same flexibility and control as managed VPS hosting, but without the added cost of having a hosting provider manage and maintain the server. Instead, the user is responsible for all aspects of server management and is given root access to the server. This allows for complete customization and control over the server, but also requires a higher level of technical knowledge and expertise to manage.

Unmanaged VPS hosting can be a cost-effective option for those who have the skills and resources to manage their own server, but it’s not recommended for those who lack the technical knowledge and experience in server management.

Learn More: Backups and Disaster Recovery Strategies in Managed VPS Hosting


In conclusion, managed VPS hosting can be the best option for you if you want a hosting company to handle the technical parts of running your server. Unmanaged VPS hosting might be a preferable option if you have the resources and technical know-how to administer a server yourself.

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