How to Check and Update Git Version on Linux, Windows, Mac

How to Check and Update Git Version on Linux, Windows, Mac?


One can install Git on some of the common operating systems such as Windows, Mac, and Linux. Additionally, GIT is already available in some operating systems like Linux and Mac Laptops.

How to check whether my operating system has GIT?

Well, a good question indeed, you can easily check whether GIT is there in your system or not by opening up your terminal applications. In case you are using a Mac Book look for a command prompt application which is known as ‘terminal’. However, if you are using windows then open a command prompt or GIT bash to check if the GIT is installed already.

After opening the command prompt on your desktop laptop, you have to type the GIT version. There will be a response over your screen to let you know what version of GIT is there. Sometimes there shows an alert in response that says unknown command. This means you have to install GIT into your operating system.

However, you don’t need to worry as we are here to explain how to install Git Version on Linux. Before that, we will explain GIT in detail.

What is GIT? Check and Update Git Version on Linux

Keeping Gits updated helps you to make full use of its features 

Below are the pre-requisites for GIT updating 

  1. A system running Linux, Windows, or macOS
  2. An installed version of Git
  3. Access to the terminal window (Linux, macOS) or command prompt (Windows)
  4. An account having administrator-level privileges

Once you have all the above mentioned you are one step closer to updating the Git version on Linux

Firstly, you need to check your version and follow the below commands for the purpose 

  • Audio add-apt-repository-y PGA:git-core/PPA
  • Audio apt-get update 
  • Audio apt-get install git-y

Git is a commonly used version control system that traces every change you make into the files. It helps you to have a record of your previous activities and enables you to revert any change when required. Git assists in easier collaboration allowing the required changes by numerous people to all to be linked into a single source.

Regardless of writing any code which only you can see or work on as a team GIT is very helpful. Git is a local running software and the user can also utilize the GIT hub to store his files and their history. Git allows you to have a central place where you are allowed to upload and download the changes. Such features help two people working from different destinations to work on the same file together and merge the changes without losing any data.

Ways To Use Git Version On Linux

GIT is a version that a user can easily access via command line or any desktop having GUI (Graphical user interface) 

GIT repositories 

The Git repository contains all the information and previous history. Here the user has to take a file and instruct GIT to form its repository. In response, a Git subfolder will be created where you can see the Git metadata for tracking down the changes.

Files that often start with (.) are hidden on every Unix-based operating system and you might not see the git folder in the OS finder until you show the hidden files.

Stage and Commit Files 

for instance, it keeps a list of all changes made in files. How would a user tell GIT to record these changes? Every change done in the file is known as a commit.

Before doing any commit, we will instruct Git about the files we want to commit. The activity is known as stages which uses the ‘add’ command. A question that arises here is why should we do such a step. Why should not we commit a file? 

Suppose you are working on two files from which one is ready to commit. Here you don’t want to be forced to commit both of them. That is where GIT ‘add’ commands come into play. We add files to a staging area and commit them to have been staged.

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Branches and Merging 

Git allows the user to branch out from the real code base helping you to work easily with other developers and ensuring flexibility in the entire workflow.

Below is an example of the Git version in Linux that is helpful

For instance, if you want to work on a new feature for a specific website. What you will do?  You will create a new branch and proceed with the work of course. You are in the middle of finishing the new feature but there is a request to make a sudden change that needs to go live on the site. You will switch back to the master branch do the required change and make it live. Then you can go back to the new branch and start working again.

Once your work is done you will integrate the new branch and master branch. When you merge two branches’ chances are you might get a conflict. For instance, you and the developer are working on the same part of a certain file unknowingly. The developer saves changes to the remote repository and if you are using a local repository then you will get a merge conflict. Thankfully Git has a way to handle such differences. So you can see both changes and decide which one you want to keep.

Such attributes might attract you to use the GIT. However, you have to install it as well in case it is not available in your system.

Below we are going to explain how you can install GIT.

GIT Installation Through GitHub Desktop 

  • Go to the lasts Git for Windows and start downloading the latest version 
  • After the installation has started you need to follow the instructions provided in GIT Setup until the process is completed 
  • open the window command prompt
  • type Git Version to figure you have installed GIT 

According to the expert, git-SCM is a recommended source when it comes to downloading Git for windows The advantage of using this source is that you will automatically get the latest version of GIT. The download source is the same for the window installer as referenced in the above steps

Installation of GIT Version on Linux 

Git was developed to version the Linux operating system because of which it allows easy installation to the users

You can install the GIT Version on Linux using a package management tool that is available with your distribution.


  • git packages are available using apt
  • make sure that you are using the latest Git version for this go to your command prompt shell and run the up-to-date: sudo apt-get update. Command to ensure this is the latest version on your operating system 
  • sudo apt-get install git-all. Follow the command to install GIT on your operating system
  • after the installation is completed, you can verify things by typing git version.

Git installation on Mac

Almost all the MAC versions come with a built-in GIT which you can easily verify as well and activate through the terminal with a git version. However, in case there is no GIT in your operating system you don’t need to worry at all. We are going to explain some methods through which you can install GIT easily on your operating system.

  • Go to the latest macOS Git Installer and download the latest version.
  • Once the installer has initiated you need to follow the details as provided until the installation is complete.
  • Open the command prompt “terminal” and type git version to verify Git installation
  • Note: git-SCM is a recommended resource for downloading Git on a Mac. The advantage of downloading Git from git-SCM is that your download automatically starts with the latest version of Git. The download source is the same macOS Git Installer as referenced in the steps above.

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