Do PBN Still Work For SEO in 2022?

Do PBN Still Work For SEO in 2022?


The 21st century is an era of advancement where technology has changed the way of doing business. These days everyone is on the internet, which makes businesses focus on their online presence. Therefore, they opt for SEO (Search Engine Optimization) to rank their website at the top of search results. SEO is a set of techniques, which can help you increase the Search engine page rankings (SERP) to get ahead of your competitors.

Another important aspect of SEO is PBN (Private Blog Network), which can be a plus for improving the rank of your website for google. Now the question here is Do PBN Still Work for SEO in 2022? We are here to explain it to you. Firstly, we will know more about PBN to understand things.

What is a PBN?

PBN is the short form of a private blog network, a group of multiple sites, belonging to the same webmaster who uses them to increase the ranking of his other sites. The use of PBN for the sake of building backlinks is considered a black hat SEO technique. Earlier the use of PBN for SEO was not a wrongful practice and webmasters benefited from it a lot.

Over time when people start, abusing them google had no option but to take action. If we go back to 2010, the use of PBN was very familiar and everyone started building links through it. However, google destroyed PBN services considering them illegitimate.

In today’s digital world, PBNs are only steroids of web 2.0. Apart from utilizing the subdomains from or WordPress, the website owner prefers using expired domains. However, if you get lucky by paying for the authentic expired domains, you can get a great reward in return. If you plan to use PBN for the SEO of your site, you have to hide your traces from google.

PBNs are very helpful at building backlinks, which communicate with google, that linking site trusts your website to link itself with your domain. As a result, search engines will trust you which leads to a higher ranking.

Is PBN still effective in 2022?

These days google does not encourage the use of PBN for ranking your business site. As per search engines, PBN use just manipulates the algorithms to generate backlinks and to achieve a higher rank. When you use such techniques for the sake of high search engine ranking google does not like it. Instead, the owner should spend some budget and run paid ads. Here google AdWords can bring a huge amount of money to google.

On the other hand, PBN can help you rank at the top when used with utmost care. This tactic enables a site to progress well even if it is ranking at the top of Google.

Why People Rely on PBN 

Undoubtedly, backlinks play a major role in the ranking of your website bringing organic links to your site is a time-consuming process. Your content should be more than excellent to earn you quality backlinks. You have to spare some time and work on both to rank on top of search engine pages. The core purpose of a link is to offer value to the audience. Whereas, its secondary objective is to offer an authority signal to the search engine bot.

Private Blog Networks reduce the requirement for a black hat to obtain backlinks by enabling them to manipulate their possession of links. This means the user gets an opportunity to create as many backlinks as he requires by dodging the search engines making them believe that you have the authority, as you own multiple domains nevertheless the targeted material deserves these links or not.

Additionally, you need to be careful while selecting the anchor texts of your backlinks, as they are relevant and optimized according to the search engine’s best practices. This will result in an increased quantity of backlinks however, regardless of valuable space in SERP

Benefits of PBN

Total Control 

Having control of the SEO is very powerful for the user. Through a network, you can instruct the anchor text, and links to see what is necessary. Whereas, you cannot have such control while practising other link-building strategies. For instance, if google penalizes your website for any reason. Here the site owner can remove the links and the penalty will be removed as well.

However, it is not possible to remove such actions from the links, which you have bought from websites you do not own.


Private Blog networks are influential as you are going to leverage the reputation/authority of a highly trusted site. It is a daunting task to obtain such links through outreach.

Relationship building 

While using PBNs the webmaster does not have to stick his head into approaching websites and building relationships. That means private blog networks help you save precious time, which is not a good thing, however.

After reading about the benefits, you might be convinced that PBNs are advantageous for the ranking of your website. Whereas there is another side of the picture as well which we are going to disclose.

Disadvantages associated with PBNs

When a user relies on manipulative strategies to build links for his website. There is a chance that his site will be slapped with a manual action resulting in a huge loss. In the world of the internet, search engines penalize websites having expired domains quickly.

When a human reviewer figures out at google that pages of a website do not adhere to Google’s webmaster quality rules and regulations manual action is taken on the site. These actions apply when there are attempts of tempering with search indexes. Which will lead the site to lower search engine ranking without giving the owner a shred of evidence.

In some cases, a manual action can result in the removal of your website from the index. If the links are the beginning of this event, the common response is artificial links to your site. The user needs to delete these links and send a request for reconsideration to recover his business from manual action.

These non-natural links can also result in algorithmic adjustment where the system figures out that such links should not determine the ranking of the website. In the era of 2022, the system denies these links rather than letting them cause any algorithmic adjustment.

Ignored Links  

Website owners who use private blog networks for backlinking. Google completely ignore them in a manual action. These manual actions from google are observed these days when users are trying to manipulate Google’s algorithm. Google’s web spam team investigates these links created through PBN and denies them. Over time, Google has improved and indirectly the site owners are helping it to improve by letting google know the difference between natural and unnatural links.

Huge Costs

It is not easy to build a private blog network, as the user has to pay a huge amount for the purpose. Initially, it will not ask you much as you require some IP addresses, domain names and quality content. It seems that the user has to spend a couple of bugs, well make that double or multiply it by 50. If you want a private blog network, you are going to need reliable hosting and several IPs and proxies as well.

It might cost you $800-$1200 but give it a think that spending such an amount will offer desired results. You need to purchase some expired domains having huge authority. Moreover, it is your duty to assure not all of them are spam. All these arrangements ask for thousands of dollars excluding the content. If you think, a spun article of 700 words can hit the bull’s eye then think again. Therefore, you can call it a waste of time. This also brings us to a question. Does using private blog networks have a good ROI (Return on Investment) and ROT (Return on Time)?

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