dedicated colocation

Things to consider before buying dedicated server colocation


Dedicated server colocation Features| cheap & reliable hosting

Dedicated hosting is very effective for the business that has high traffic on their website. Hosting companies like grid hosting provide you managed dedicated server that allows you to use your website efficiently.

Define dedicated server colocation?

A dedicated server is renting a private server from the hosting provider. A dedicated server colocation provides you with private resources like ram, bandwidth, etc. This service allows the user to have the hardware of their choice and install the software of their choice. You are not only provided with the facility of renting the resources but also you are having power, network, and optimal environment for your servers.

dedicated server colocation
Define Dedicated Server Colocation

It is a very efficient way to have a private server to yourself.

Hosting is of different kinds. This hosting is selected depending upon the need of the user. Each hosting has its advantages and disadvantages, so you need to select them according to your need. There are hosting like VPS hosting, dedicated hosting, and colocation hosting.

Comparison of Colocation and dedicated hosting:

What is Colocation hosting?

  • Colocation hosting is having your private server in the rented rack provided by the service provider.
  • Maintenances of hardware are entirely on the client and you are provided with services like cooling, power, and internet. Most of the businesses that have their own private servers shift their servers into rented racks as a result they get power-efficient and high-speed internet connectivity.
  • The providers make sure that the temperature of the servers remains optimal.
  • You are putting the hardware in the rack so with colocation you can have your own choice of processor or CPU. Like if you need a high-end CPU or some low-end CPU with high SSD hard disks etc. This way you can get the exact spec according to your requirement.
  • You are provided with higher bandwidth so that you can easily transmit the data.
  • You decide which file to add, remove, or change in your system.
  • Also, the backup power system so that your data will not get lost.
  • Colocation centers are difficult to locate because their charges vary according to the distance they have from you.
  • You must pay a very high initial cost because you are buying the hardware.
  • For management purposes, you need to hire your own IT professional.
  • If you need to physically access your Colo center, then you must go through various procedures.

What is dedicated server hosting?

  • The dedicated server hosting provides you with a rented server.
  • In dedicated hosting, you do not have to pay for the initial cost of the hardware. Management of resources is also provided by the hosting provider.
  • You can increase resources like CPU, ram, etc.
  • In dedicated hosting, you must pay monthly to the provider for the resources.

So, in short, in Colo hosting, you have an entire rack of servers that are placed in a separate location while in dedicated hosting you are renting a server that is placed among many other servers.

Which will suit you?

The colocation vs dedicated server hosting has only a few differences. Both hosting services provide many facilities that compete. It is on the buyer to decide what his business need.

Dedicated hosting provides easy scalability that helps to respond to the high demand for your business. It also saves you from hiring an IT professional to help you manage and look after the hardware. You can take the advantage of hardware without any problem with maintenance.

colocation service on the other hand is suitable for big business. Since they need to meet the individual business needs having the infrastructure that suits them will give them quite an edge. Since you have paid for the hardware it will prove efficient for you in long term.

Features of dedicated server colocation

Mentionable features are:

No sharing:

Resources play an important role in hosting the site. Whenever someone thinks about resources things like space, processors, and memory comes to mind. If you must share these things other data will affect your site. The cheap dedicated servers allow you to have your resources limited to only yourself. So, your site will not go down because of other data. It also helps to keep the site smooth during the spikes in bandwidth.

A site that has medium or low traffic can be easily managed with VPS or shared hosting. But if a lot of traffic is on your site then having the service of dedicated resources is best for you.

Unique IP address:

An IP address is allocated to each server. IP address gives you the identification of the server’s internet location numerically. If a server is shared by multiple people, there will be multiple websites on the same server. So, the server’s IP address will also be shared. This can also lower your search engine results. In dedicated hosting, this problem is solved. You have rented your private server as a result you will get a unique IP address for your website. This way your search engine results will improve. If your site uses the client’s credit card, then having a unique IP address is necessary. So, this way you make sure about the safety of your client.

Administrative control:

In a shared server multiple sites are used. So, administrative control is not given by the providers.

Dedicated servers grant you root access. So, the client can customize the site. He can install the program of his choice directly into the server.


The hosting you select depends upon your needs. If you have high traffic on your site then having dedicated server colocation will prove very beneficial for you. It has dedicated resources that help you to make your site smooth, secure, and reliable. The grid hosting provides the optimized plan for VPS hosting so that you can maintain your site with ease.